Saturday, May 9, 2009

Graf #11

Great class! I can't believe that I could even write this much. I've never written this much in any class I've ever taken. It was a little trying at first, I'm glad the assignments start out smaller and easier it definitely helps ease you into it, it was a bit like getting into the hot tub. I wouldn't change a thing, like Mainer's say “Can't fix what ain't broke”. I commend John too for his guidance, he was a good true north for me in my writing and helped me see the places where I was falling a bit off the path.

I really liked my very first Graf it made me smile every time I read it. I can see that it was a bit choppy and it was a bit of a run-on, but I still get a kick out of it. It's real obvious that my life is focused on my career, almost everything I wrote was about work in one way or another. The essay I wrote on the different types of employees was a cool one looking back at it. I probably got the most out of the I-search, that was a really refreshing experience for me. I used it as an opportunity to write about something that I really wanted to learn something about. I've got plans now based on my research to start my own little small business, you don't get that out of most classes!